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1 The Wyoming Education Association is among the largest member-driven organizations in our state. Our success depends on the members who step up and participate. There are many ways that you can be active in your Association. One way to be involved is to run for office. The WEA offices that will be on the ballot this year are listed on page 6. All the information you need to run for office is on the WEA website: We will be electing statewide officers, regional officers from the different regions (members who are willing to step up and represent the members in their region on the WEA Board of Directors), and at-large representatives who represent their constituency groups on the WEA Board of Directors. We need involved, dedicated education professionals like you to serve on our Board of Directors. There are also state and cluster delegate positions available for NEA Representative Assembly, which will be held in Minneapolis, MN, over the fourth of July in the summer of 2018. It is a great way to learn more about the NEA and to meet education employees from all over the U.S. You could represent WEA at the national level as we debate and vote on national education issues and set the course for NEA for the upcoming year. If you are not ready to serve at the regional or state levels, maybe you would consider running for a position at the local level. Talk to your local president about serving as a building representative, committee member, or even being part of your local leadership team. The strength of your local depends on you, so step up, get involved, and make your voice heard. We will be holding our WEA Delegate Assembly April 6 – 8 at the Radisson Hotel in Cheyenne. Please contact your local president if you are interested in representing your local at WEA Delegate Assembly. It is your opportunity to help set the direction of the Wyoming Education Association for the coming year. It also gives you a chance to learn about education issues facing Wyoming and to network with education employees from around the state. With the upcoming legislative session almost upon us, we need members to serve as Legislative Contact Team members. We need people who are willing to contact their state representative or senator and talk to them about education issues that are being considered in this legislative session. You are the education experts and can help your elected officials understand what is happening in our schools. This is a very important year for education funding, and we need to have the voices from around the state heard at the Legislature. Please consider being a Legislative Contact Team member. If you are interested in serving as a contact for your local representative or senator, please get in touch with your local president or UniServ Director. 2018 is also an election year, and we will need members who are willing to serve on Legislative Interview Teams. These are local members who help interview candidates who are running for the Wyoming House or Senate in your local area. Please contact your local president or UniServ Director if you are willing to be part of your local team. The more you get engaged, the more you will gain from your membership, so consider stepping up and getting more involved at the national, state or local level. We need our voice to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our members and the students that they serve, because together we succeed. Kathy Vetter WEA President Be Engaged & Active President's Message