The Tasting Panel magazine

November 2017

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32  /  the tasting panel  /  november 2017 PR SPOTLIGHT S ince its founding in 1991, Balzac Communications & Marketing has focused on promoting and representing the craft food and bever- age industries. Michael Wangbickler has been with Balzac since 2004 and assumed the role of president, formerly held by Paul Wagner, in 2017. The Tasting Panel sat down with Wangbickler in his downtown Napa office to discuss the state of the PR business. Wangbickler, who graduated with a marketing degree from Michigan State University, has a "nose-to-the- grindstone" work ethic that everyone admires. "I spend a lot of time in meetings, on phone conferences, answering emails. When I'm not doing those things, I'm managing my team and guiding their interactions with clients," he says. Those clients range from Wente Family Estates to Dave Phinney's Locations Wine, to the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux with which Balzac has an impressive 15-year relationship. "The most effective PR companies are those that build relation- ships with key media and trade over time. By being a trusted source and maintaining a higher quality of com- munication, we've remained a leader in this space for over two decades," Wangbickler continues. But times are changing, even for a stalwart like Balzac. "We find ourselves at a time where digital marketing and social media have become standard practice, though basic marketing and communications principles remain the same," Wangbickler explains, adding that Balzac distinguishes itself through its strategic planning. "One of the most useful tools is setting expectations with clients—this is a long game. Wineries need to focus on digital marketing and engage directly with consumers. This is the evolution of where PR is head- ing; the knowledge of how to do that correctly is the key to success." Wangbickler admits trends like media consolidation, the devaluation of lifestyle writing, and the explosion of new beverage companies make it harder to create an impact in the industry, and there are more companies seeking the attention of fewer impor- tant influencers. "Yes, the proliferation of blogs and online magazines has offered us more outlets, but they have less impact than a major paper or magazine," he says. "There is one way in which PR directly affects sales, and that's how a sales force uses the result- ing articles or events. These are very valuable sales tools if used correctly." Ultimately, Wangbickler reiterates that there's a reason Balzac has been going strong for more than a quarter of a century: "Relationships make this busi- ness; we stand on our reputation." Standing on Its Reputation BALZAC COMMUNICATIONS ADJUSTS TO MAJOR CHANGES IN THE PUBLIC RELATIONS INDUSTRY story and photo by Michael Cervin Michael Wangbickler is the current president of Balzac Communications in Napa, CA.

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