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ENTREPRENEURS From Off-Road Glory to the Spirits Industry Fast Track B FOUNDER JIM RILEY APPLIES HIS PROFESSIONAL RACING STREET-SMARTS TO HIS DRIVE TO TAKE ARTISANAL, ORGANIC AZUÑIA TEQUILA FROM COAST TO COAST . . . AND BEYOND! by Elyse Glickman / photos by Danielle "Deed" DeBruno ehind the wheel, professional off-road racer Jim Riley has gone where few drivers dare to go. He's fearless when it comes to moving fast along rough, uncharted and unpaved terrain, and his sharp reflexes and instincts have taken him to the finish line on many occasions. For several years, he was simultaneously a successful Southern California representative for Ketel One Vodka. Along the way, he racked up a winning database full of loyal accounts and contacts. Even with a solid eight-and-a-half-year track record as Ketel One's Vice President of Public Relations and Events, however, doing well was not good enough. He needed a much larger challenge to get that rush in his professional life. 80 / the tasting panel / may 2012 Azuñia Tequila founder and professional racing driver Jim Riley in Las Vegas with the Azuñia car that he drove in the Mint 400.