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YOUR WEA AT WORK With Changes Comes Opportunity This has been my philosophy on many occasions, and through this experience, I have learned that it is often easier to make change during a natural transition than to attempt changes to the status quo. Although we were sad to see our Membership Organizing Specialist, Erin Cochran, leave the Association, this vacancy provided an opportunity to evaluate our stafing structure. I believe such times of transition offer a chance to review the current structure, evaluate where we stand, and possibly use this time as an opportunity for reorganization. Field Manager for Organizing We have had a vacant Associate Executive Director position for over a year. We have decided to change this position to Field Manager for Organizing. Northwest UniServ Director Greg Herold has agreed to assume this position. WEA Executive Director Ron Snifin During the past year, I have had experience illing the Communications Director and Executive Director positions with personnel in an "Acting" capacity. This approach allows all parties the opportunity to "test" this new position while guaranteeing the employee the option to go back to his or her old position if necessary. Greg and I have agreed to use this method for a trial period that will end August 31, 2013. The Field Manager for Organizing's responsibilities will include the tasks previously held by the Membership Organizing Specialist position; it will also include mentoring and management of the four UniServ Directors (UDs). Having Greg in this position will also afford us the beneit of having a trained UniServ Director to ill-in when UDs are sick or on vacation. Northwest UniServ Director I am excited to announce the hiring of Mrs. Jean Peterson as the Interim Northwest Region UniServ Director. Jean has a long history of association with WEA and NEA. She has always been a member of NEA, irst as a student member at Black Hills State University, then during her 15-year teaching and administrative careers in Wyoming. She served as the Cody Education Association president and participated in several WEA/ NEA trainings, including Interest-Based Negotiations and Legal Issues. She has worked closely with the Northwest Region UniServ Directors in the past and has been able to resolve local problems using a positive approach. Because of the nature of the Field Manager for Organizing position, Jean will be serving as Interim UD until August 31, 2013, or until the Field Manager position is discontinued. Assuming we move forward with the current structure, she will have the opportunity to apply for the permanent UD position at that time. Together with our members, our staff is doing great work that beneits our members and therefore the students of this great state. WINTER 2012 Winter 2012.indd 5 | 5 12/14/12 3:23 PM