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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Wyoming Education Coalition As we gear up for the upcoming legislative session, WEA has reactivated the Wyoming Education Coalition. We are working with our fellow Coalition members to promote legislation that will have a positive impact on Wyoming's public schools and the students that we serve. The following organizations are working with us in the Coalition: Wyoming Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals WEA President Kathy Vetter Wyoming Association of School Administrators Wyoming Association of School Business Oficials Wyoming Association of Secondary School Principals Wyoming School Boards Association Wyoming Curriculum Directors Association Scan to sign up for our Legislative Updates. Wyoming Association of Special Education Administrators Wyoming Early Childhood Partnership and other interested education personnel. The top issues that the Coalition is working on are the external cost adjustment, accountability, and retirement. We have held our irst meeting to prioritize our issues and to plan our next steps. The Coalition will be meeting throughout the legislative session so that we can stay on top of the different education bills that may come forth. To keep up with what is going on daily during the session, just log onto the WEA website at and click on the "Legislative Update" window to sign up for our daily updates. We also encourage each of you to contact your legislators and invite them to see irsthand what is going on in your classroom or at your worksite. To ind out who your legislators are, go to: You are the best voice for education in the state of Wyoming! I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable holiday season. Happy Holidays From your friends at the Wyoming Education Association 4 WINTER 2012 Winter 2012.indd 4 | WEAnews 12/14/12 3:23 PM