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December 2017

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Page 7 of 43 6 POST DECEMBER 2017 BITS & PIECES FORT WORTH, TX — Musicbed ( and Filmsupply (www.filmsup- recently announced the winners of their "2017 Filmsupply Challenge," a free competition that gave editors a chance to win a part of a prize package totaling $50,000. The contest required participants to submit an edit that falls into one of three categories: Ad Spec, Trailer or Title Sequence. All competitors got free access to the Filmsupply and Musicbed libraries. They were required to use between five and 40 Filmsupply clips, and between one and five Musicbed songs. Submissions could not be any longer than :60. Eight winners were selected by a jury of seven judges. The following is the complete list of winners: OVERALL: BLESS THE WORLD BY BRADLEY B.K.T. CRAWFORD Footage of the northern lights, clouds, lions awakening, and people heading to work show life happening around the world. When the rock face on a mountain range sneezes, the planet explodes. "Having allergies shouldn't feel like the end of the world," reads the tag line, introducing Yayatna 24-hour allergy relief. Bradley B.K.T. Crawford receives an entire editing bay worth of prizes for his top submission. TITLE SEQUENCE: LONG WAY BACK BY TRAVIS BLAKE In Long Way Back, a writer tells the story of his quest to find a lost love. Footage of trains, cowboys and off-beat, neon-lit motels, are paired with silhouette imagery of a myste- rious female figure. Stylized text appears as credits, introducing the actors performing the different roles. The vintage jazz/rock track helps establish the time period. AD: THE ALL NEW G-MAX WINTER TIRE BY JACOB STEVENSON This submission touts the incredible perfor- mance of a new tire, which offers never-be- fore-seen traction in the coldest of climates. An exotic sports car winds through a snow- and ice-covered mountainous route. Interior shots show the driver shifting gears but nev- er losing control as the engine accelerates. TRAILER: NOCTURN BY BROCK GREGOR A police officer chases a suspect through a forest at dusk, ultimately tracking him to an abandoned car. When he closes in, he is taken by surprise. Audiences will have to wait until next Halloween to see the feature. CONCEPT: WATCHED BY ALICE GAGLIARDI Someone has figured out how to tap into the world's network of surveilance camer- as, where they can now track a subject's every move. Imagery of computers, cam- eras and recording devices are paired with footage of people captured with these un- forgiving cameras. Sound design suggests a disturbing event unfolding. VFX: ARIMINUM BY JUSTIN TYLER BROWN In the promo for Ariminum, mythical stat- ues begin to crumble, suggesting the fall of a long-standing empire. Warriors are shown riding into battle. As swords swing and blood sprays, the crumbling marble reachs a climax. Music and sound design reinforces the epic, regal storyline and the fight for riches. COLOR: SUCCUBUS BY STACEY LEWIS Viewers are introduced to a mysterious woman who goes by many names. Pasionate and seductive, she is also dangerous. What happens in and around this small-time hotel leaves the viewer looking for answers. A sim- ple country track warns of the "bad girl." SOUND: CROWN MOTORCYCLE: JUST BY SCHALK WILLEM THERON A narrator uses the word "just" to compare and contrast organic elements such as the ocean, trees and fire. Many components come together to create a Crown motor- cycle. But, it's not "just" any motorcycle. Things are about to get crazy. MUSICBED AWARD: MAKE SOUND SOUND BETTER BY TIM KRESSIN Sound affects people in different ways. In this spot for CAudio, urban youth react to music when experience through their brand- ed headsets. CAudio products promise to "Make Sound Sound Better." The soundtrack combines layered Musicbed tracks — one, a vintage lyric piece and the other, modern electronica. This project was the inspiration for this special awards and earns Kressin $1,000 in music licensing. — By Marc Loftus FILMSUPPLY CHALLENGE WINNERS ANNOUNCED Bless The World Succubus The All New G-Max Winter Tire Watched

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