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SPRING 2017| WEAnews 20 Updates On Professional Issues Assessment: • State Board of Education (SBE) recently selected American Institutes for Research (AIR) as contractor to develop the new grades 1-10 statewide assessments, and ACT as contractor for the college- and career- readiness assessments. Contract negotiations taking place now. • The new assessments will first be administered in spring 2018. • Learn more about the new assessment systems at: Accountability: HB 40 and SF 36 resulted in some changes to the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act (WAEA), including these key points: • SBE, through WDE, to establish long-term and interim performance targets for the school proficiency indicators (AYP has gone away under ESSA). • Schools exceeding or meeting WAEA expectations no longer required to file a communication or improvement plan or to have a WDE representative assigned to monitor their progress. • Schools partially meeting or not meeting expectations file an improvement plan the first year of designation, and yearly updates as long as they receive the same designation. Design and implementation of these districts' leader evaluation systems must be reviewed by State. Schools receive supports and interventions to assist them in improvement efforts. • English Language Proficiency added as an indicator of school-level proficiency, as required by ESSA. • The Academic Growth indicator will be measured beginning in grade 4 and in all subsequent grades in which there is a state summative assessment, including the standardized college readiness test in grade 11. • The Readiness indicator now changed to "Post-secondary Readiness," as measured by percentage of students meeting either college or career readiness. • 11th grade college readiness test has been used in multiple indicators (i.e., overused) in WAEA, so will no longer be used to determine the Academic Achievement indicator. • School and district leader accountability no longer tied to student performance on state assessments. Instead, rules will guide a leader eval. system that identifies professional standards and requires annual evaluation, but will allow each district the opportunity to refine the system to meet individual needs. Alternative Schools: • Continue work on the Alternative School Accountability model and pilot. • Moratorium on approval or funding of any new alternative schools between 3/15/17 & 7/1/19.