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SPRING 2017| WEAnews 18 During the 2017 interim, there will be meetings of the Select Committee on School Finance Recalibration. This committee will be made up of 5 members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker and 5 members of the Senate appointed by the President. One member from each side will be the chairman of the Education Committee from that side. Of the remaining 4 members, one from each side must be from the minority party. This committee is charged with determining how the school funding model should be modified to remain effective and cost-based. Recalibration is usually done once every five years and was last done in 2015. Determining what a quality education should be in Wyoming and how to provide that education have been the foci of past recalibration efforts. With the projected funding deficits to the School Foundation Program, legislators thought the legislature should take another look at that education program, as well as how schools are funded. The Select Committee has also been given the authority to study and recommend solutions to the projected budget shortfall for funding related to public education in the state of Wyoming. Additionally, the Select Committee shall focus on four major issues related to school funding as follows: (1) Options for use of existing unencumbered, unobligated revenues; (2) Consideration of the use of diversions of existing revenue streams and investment income; (3) Options to increase revenues; (4) Options for budget and expenditure reductions. WEA will be at all meetings of the Select Committee. It will also be vital that members of the Wyoming Education Association participate in this process. The meetings will be posted on the legislative website and will be open to the public. It will also be important for WEA members to contact members of the Select Committee as well as their members of the Wyoming Legislature to make sure that quality education continues in Wyoming. What's Next for Wyoming's Education System? | 1-800-CHADRON | 1000 Main Street | Chadron, Nebraska MASTER OF EDUCATION in CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Special Education - Early Childhood Special Education endorsement Do you want to coordinate, or be a consultant to programs for children ages birth through kindergarten with special developmental and/or learning needs? This new, unique endorsement may be just what you're looking for, if you have a bachelor's degree and are seeking the following: • expand services in your current position • increase your knowledge and skills • move up the pay scale • prepare for an advanced degree CHADRON STATE COLLEGE