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SPRING 2017 | 15 Update Bills WEA Supported that PASSED 22 BILLS Bills WEA Supported that FAILED 15 BILLS Bills WEA Opposed that PASSED 1 BILL Bills WEA Opposed that FAILED 19 BILLS Bills WEA Monitored that PASSED 12 BILLS Bills WEA Monitored that FAILED 20 BILLS BILLS ON WHICH WE CHANGED OUR STANCE DUE TO AMENDMENTS DURING THE PROCESS 2 BILLS The Legislative Action Team faced many challenges during this session, but there were positives. WEA worked to help pass changes to education accountability, leader evaluation and support, and positive changes to the Hathaway scholarship. We also worked to keep continuing contract despite three attempts to take it away from new members. With member assistance, we helped defeat bills to increase class sizes, change the ability of the Supreme Court to rule in school funding decisions, and allow the legislature to make blanket reductions to school district and community college employees. Although the session has come to an end, the work is far from over. A great deal of important work will happen during the interim, and the WEA Legislative Action Team will be following those discussions closely. A special committee will work on recalibration of the school funding model. This work will determine how schools are funded in the future. Offering many thanks to those who helped lobby on behalf of WEA and the issues it followed, Decaria concluded, "Our Association would not have been able to achieve what we did without your help. Together we made a positive difference." If you have any questions regarding any legislation from this session or would like any further information, please contact WEA Government Relations Director Ken Decaria at Ken Decaria Government Relations Director "BY THE NUMBERS": WEA LOBBYING OUTCOMES LISTING