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SPRING 2017 | ADVOCATE 33 Association Governance Angela Philpot As AEA Treasurer, it would be my privilege to represent each one of you and serve as a delegate to the 2017 NEA-RA. I would be honored to be a voice for our members, our students and our profession. Thank you for your vote! Rachel Stafford As a state/local leader, I am honored to be your representative. The RA grants my ability to carry your voice to the national level, through activism, enthusiasm, and grace. Election District C No candidates nominated Election District D Joe Thomas Serving as your AEA President requires the additional responsibility of carrying your voice to the national level. As a veteran leader, I strive to inform Arizona delegates on the issues, orient new delegates to NEA RA procedures, and ensure everyone feels their voice is heard. I ask for your support. Election District E April Coleman I am April Coleman, Region 3 Director for AEA, and would be honored to represent you at the 2017 NEA RA. I've have served as your voice in several RA caucus meetings and forums, and your vote will allow me to continue the work that has been started. Thanks! Election District F Richard Ross As a member and officer of the Paradise Valley Education Association, I continue to be amazed at the power of our collective voices and positive influence that our organization. Election District G Jennifer Dwosh As a Social Studies teacher, eSWAG representative, MDCTA officer, and four-year association member, I see NEA-RA as an amazing opportunity to hear the collective voice of education leaders. I ask for your vote to be the Region G NEA- RA delegate so that I can represent your voice. Thank you! Election District H Marisol Garcia As your AEA Vice President, I will be proud to represent AEA at this year's NEA RA. I will be excited to bring the voices of Arizona to a national stage. I promise to continue to energize, organize and lead in Boston this summer. I ask for your continued support. Election District J No candidates nominated Election District K No candidates nominated Election District L Nicole Cozad As the director for Region 13 on the AEA Board of Directors, it has been my honor to represent you and give you all a voice at the state level. I now ask that you allow me the privilege of representing you at the national level as well. Election District M Emily Freed Each year that I have taught, I have had the honor of representing you at the AEA Delegate Assembly, the NEA Representative Assembly, and as an Association Representative. I want to continue working at all levels of our Association. Please help me, by voting for Emily Freed! Thank you. Christy Sainz I would love the opportunity to represent our members at the NEA-RA this July. I have been an AEA/Tucson EA member for 14 years; serving on the EMC Task Force, EMC Chair, Latino Outreach Cadre, eSWAG, Region 1 Director, and the Tucson EA BOD. Thanks for your support. Jason Freed I am a teacher, a leader and an Association advocate. I have been elected as President of TEA, your NEA Board Representative, and as a delegate to the AEA Delegate Assembly and NEA Representative Assembly for each of my 17 years in teaching. Please vote for Jason Freed. Election District N Guadalupe Flores Hello. My name is Guadalupe Flores. I would like to represent my region and AEA as an NEA regional delegate at the 2017 Representative Assembly. I am a first year teacher and would like to be more involved with the association and help those union educators who have helped me. Eboney McKinney Hi Region N! My name is Eboney McKinney, 5th grade teacher with Sierra Vista Public schools! I am President of the local association and in year 2 of my 3 year term on the AEA Board of Director and a founding member of AEA eSWAG.