Arizona Education Association

Spring 2017

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SPRING 2017 | ADVOCATE 5 Member Talk VOICE YOUR VIEWS Readers are encouraged to state opinions or make comments in letters that will be considered for publication in this column. The editor reserves the right to edit lengthy letters representing a balance of viewpoints. Generally, letters will not be published without the names of their writers and local associations. Send letters to: "Member Talk" AEA Advocate 345 East Palm Lane Phoenix, AZ 85004 Contact sheenae.shannon@ WRITE US! n Teachers Deserve Respect, Not Insults s a public school teacher, I was outraged when I read that Glenn Hamer, president of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, called teachers a bunch of "crybabies" for asking for pay raises. True, he amended his statement to "teachers unions," but who does he think union members are? Doesn't Mr. Hamer realize that Arizona teachers are the lowest paid in the nation? Is Mr. Hamer so out of touch that he doesn't know there's a teacher shortage crisis in this state? How does Mr. Hamer's comment help our students or our state? How does it help the businesses he represents? Why would businesses choose to be affiliated with an organization that insults teachers? I'd like to point out to Mr. Hamer and his board of directors that our economy cannot thrive without strong public schools since the vast majority of our students attend public schools, especially here in Santa Cruz County. Their members would be better served by supporting, instead of demeaning, our teachers. I want all Arizona teachers to know that I strongly reject the objections Mr. Hamer and the chamber have to teacher pay raises. It's way past time to treat and pay our teachers like the valued professionals they are. Larry Fredrick Professional Educators of Nogales past president Letter to the editor published in the Nogales International newspaper CORRECTION In the last issue of the AEA Advocate, the Stories from School AZ blog was not properly attributed for the article contribution from Donnie Dicus. We apologize for this error and encourage members to visit www., an Arizona K12 Center project. A

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