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tHANkS to wiNe profeSSioNAlS like tHeSe, tHiS SoUtH AMericAN coUNtry HAS BecoMe A GloBAl wiNe powerHoUSe witH AN eMpHASiS oN QUAlity it's been a great few years for Argentine wines. While some heavy-hitter ex- porting countries have seen their take in dollars either stagnate or actually shrink, Argentina has grown its sales in the U.S. market by more than 50%. From a study undertaken by the Australian government: "Wine from Argentina and Chile is expected to surpass the volume from France, to become respectively, the third and fourth largest exporters to the USA." This is quite an achievement for a country that wasn't even on the top 12 exporter list eight years ago. spotlight on cover Story tHANkS to wiNe profeSSioNAlS on argentina!