The Tasting Panel magazine

June 2012

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2 St. Louis, MO At The Boot in St. Louis, cocktails are called high- balls and served in Mason jars. Here, bartender Ryan Miller makes a Fernet and Grape Juice Highball. 2 3 4 Nashville, TN 3 At Sanctuaria, a bartop "vac-pot" makes on-the-spot "gin" for cocktails. The Rieger is one of St. Louis' coolest spots. Here, bartender Jen Tosatto shows off her twin barspoon tattoos, which she jokes allow her to "shake and stir two cocktails at the same time." At Taste in St. Louis, bartender Shannon Ponce makes great cocktails. The Terra Firma cocktail, made at The Patterson House in Nashville. Terra Firma 2 oz. pineapple-infused Inca Gold Pisco 3/4 oz. lemon juice 1 oz. simple syrup 10 drops of Fee Brothers Whiskey Barrel Bitters Shake all, top with drops of bitters and 'swirl' into a decorative design.

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