Whole Life Magazine

December/January 2014

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/426101

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Page 25 of 43

THE EAST Element Air Energies e breath, the mind, the voice, clear boundaries, vision to see the big picture Animal totems Eagle and condor, the highest-fl ying birds of the Americas, believed by many indigenous to be messengers that carry our prayers to the Creator Suggested abundance prayers Give thanks for this new day, a fresh day for you to walk your path and give forth your unique gi s; for mental clarity, vi- sion, voice and right perspective; for the miracle of your breath, which eff ortlessly renews your life every moment. THE SOUTH Element Fire Energies Passion, sexuality, strength, anger, transformation, the will Animal totems Snake, who sheds its dead skin in order to be reborn; mountain lion, who patiently waits for the perfect moment to strike its prey, teaching us about right timing and effi cient action; and coyote, the great trickster, whose lessons come in unexpected reversals and who helps us to howl in laughter at life Suggested abundance prayers Be thankful for whatever you are shedding that you no longer need; feel gratitude for your ability to express yourself in relationship through your sexu- ality; fi nd the ability to laugh at your own foibles and to learn from them. THE WEST Element Water Energies Emotions, creativity, dreams, intuition, inner jour- neying, healing Animal totem Black bear, the fi ercely loving mother whose annual hibernation teaches us to go silently within, because all the healing we need we hold deep inside Suggested abundance prayers Feel the rich abundance of your interior life and be thank- ful for your ability to dive within and bring up treasures; notice the areas in your life in which you are successfully healing from within. THE NORTH Element Earth Energies e physical/natu- ral world, the body, fertility, wis- dom, the power to manifest ideas and dreams in the earthly realm Animal totems Buff alo, the herd animal who sacrifi ces his life to provide food and shel- ter for the people, teaching us how to be in ser- vice to our communities; hummingbird, taster of the sweetness of life; and owl, hunter of the night, who sees through the darkness to the mystery of creation Suggested abundance prayers Off er thanks for the great gi s of Mother Nature—the foods you eat, the sweetness you enjoy when you hike in the forest or swim in the sea; be grateful to be part of the great round of giving and receiving through the many forms of service you do in the world. THE CENTER e center has no specifi c element, for it is the union of all. Energies Some traditions consider the center the great Void, from which all comes and to which all returns; some see it as the place of the heart; I imagine it as the Great Mother womb, of which I am but a small part. Suggested abundance prayers Feel yourself as part of the fathomless infi nity of creation; express gratitude for your spe- cial gi s and ask for guidance in using them for the highest good of the larger whole. May your prayer practice deepen your awareness of, and connection with your natural abundance—with all the great bounty that you have, in the present moment, for there is no other moment but this one. DIY Prayer of Abundance continued from page 25 26 wholelifetimesmagazine.com

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