Arizona Education Association

Summer 2014

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AEA Advocate x Summer 2014 5 MEMBER TALK V O I C E Y O U R V I E W S MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK MEMBER TALK M EMBER TALK MEMBER TALK House Bill 2291 was already a considerable extension of private school vouchers. But now with a proposed amendment authored by the Goldwater Institute, the bill would expand its so-called "empowerment scholarships" to all students in "Title 1" schools. That is a net that captures almost three out of four k-12 students in Arizona. The Goldwater Institute's amendment lays bare the intentions of proponents of school vouchers. This is a naked, unashamed and unmasked attack on public education. All pretense has been removed. As public school educators we stand together in shock, but no longer in silence. Incremental steps toward privatization have been abandoned, inviting unprecedented expansion of school vouchers, with no distinctions made based on student need or school performance. Moreover, this loose distribution of public funds would support private schools held to a different level accountability for student performance than the stringent standards to which public schools are routinely held. Public school educators are not categorically opposed to school choice. We are opposed to school choice masquerading as a euphemism for school preference, enabling a few to beneļ¬t while leaving others behind. We urge the legislature and the Governor to resist the Goldwater Institute's plan to decimate public schools. This proposal won't improve education; this proposal would only heighten the increasing division between the haves and the have nots of Arizona rather than allocating the necessary resources to ensure the success of all children in our state. Respectfully submitted, Beth Maloney, 2014 Arizona Education Foundation Teacher of the Year Dayna Burke, 2014 AEF Ambassador for Excellence Tara Dale, 2014 AEF Ambassador for Excellence Tabetha Finchum, 2014 AEF Ambassador for Excellence Jonathan Parker, 2014 AEF Ambassador for Excellence ArizonA TeAchers of The YeAr sTAnd TogeTher AgAinsT hB 2291 Write us! Readers are encouraged to state opinions or make comments in letters that will be considered for publication in this column. The editor reserves the right to edit lengthy letters representing a balance of viewpoints. Generally, letters will not be published without the names of their writers and local associations. Send letters to: "Member Talk," AEA Advocate, 345 East Palm Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Email: Summer.14advo.indd 5 3/14/14 2:58 PM

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