Arizona Education Association

Summer 2014

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Children's Literacy WHAT IS BEING SAID ABOUT… Children who are read to at home have a higher success rate in school and enjoy a substantial advantage over children who are not. 26% 14% Twenty-six percent of children who were read to three or four times in the last week by a family member recognized all letters of the alphabet. This is compared to 14 percent of children who were read to less frequently. 60% 44% Children who were read to frequently are also more likely to count to 20, or higher than those who were not. 54% 40% Children who were read to frequently are also more likely to write their own names Source: National Center for Education Statistics 77% 57% Children who were read to frequently are also more likely to read or pretend to read Summer.14advo.indd 40 3/14/14 2:58 PM

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