Arizona Education Association

Summer 2014

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AEA Advocate x Summer 2014 13 AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA AROUND AEA On February 7 – 8, AEA eSWAG and Region B staff hosted a SPARKS training for people new to teaching and/or those who are new to the Association to spark interest in the association and develop leadership potential in our newest and freshest crop of teachers and education support professionals. About twenty people attended the training held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Phoenix. Participants were contacted prior to the training to get a sense of what issues they would most like to learn about and discuss so that they could help design their own curriculum. At the training they engaged in lots of exploratory discussion in a safe place to share the trials and tribulations of being new. They heard from dynamic speakers about the role of the Association in improving members' profession and working conditions and in ensuring a quality public education for every child in Arizona. SPARKS is a great way to reinvigorate your local association by helping to recruit new members or light up the next generation of leaders in your local association. The SPARKS training is one of many trainings and networking opportunities AEA offers to help members grow in their professional development. Listening and Learning This past February, the AEA Quality Teaching and Learning (QT&L) Department facilitated conversations with members in Phoenix and Tucson about the new teacher evaluation process. In the "Evaluating Your Evaluation" events, members were invited to have a conversation among professionals about the new Arizona College and Career Ready Standards (ACCRS) and the evaluation process. This year is the first year the new standards are being taught in the classroom and yet, right now, students are being given an assessment (AIMS) that is not aligned to these standards. Arizona is currently still in the selection process for the new assessment aligned to ACCRS and expects to have the new test ready for the next school year. At the same time, teachers are being rated on a new evaluation system that ties student test scores to their performance evaluation. Many teachers have their rating tied to students they may not have even taught. Understandably, teachers in Arizona are upset. These AEA-hosted events provided an opportunity for members to share their stories and frustrations about these new policies and their impact in their district and work together for positive change. In March, the AEA QT&L Department held two focus groups for Exceptional Education Teachers in Phoenix and Tucson to gather information about how this group of educators are bringing together the laws for specialized instruction, the new standards, and the needs of their exceptional students. These activities provide members an opportunity to have their voice heard and let the Association know more about the needs of Arizona educators. The AEA is a membership- led organization and its vision and power are directed by its members. For more information about AEA QT&L opportunities, contact Nell Pederson at 2 Ignite a Spark! Summer.14advo.indd 13 3/14/14 2:58 PM

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