IN 2007,
Read more about Alex Aguilar, Jr.'s story and find out how you can help ensure
the safety net for the entertainment industry for the next 100 years.
Caring is Infinite, since 1921
Caring is Infinite, since 1921
I was a proud member of
Local 724. Still am. We'd
saved for years to buy our
first home. And a new baby,
our third, was due in weeks.
Life was hectic, crazy...
perfect. Then suddenly this
thing we thought couldn't
happen, did. The industry
just shut down. And in an
instant: no work, unyielding
panic. When MPTF helped
us with enough to pay the
mortgage, it was the yes
that lingers in my soul to
this day. We survived. MPTF
was the safety net I didn't
know I needed, until I did.