Location Managers Guild International

Winter 2024

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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4 • LMGI COMPASS | Winter 2024 L E T T E R FROM THE PRESIDENT This past year has been filled with both challenges and triumphs, and I am immensely proud of what we have been able to achieve together amidst the uncertainties of 2023. With work at a standstill, we continued to Zoom, tour, participate on panels and celebrate our accomplishments. Our community has demonstrated resilience, adaptability and a spirit of collaboration. Your commitment to "excellence on location" has been evident in the remarkable projects you have undertaken. From navigating complex shoots to bringing breathtaking locations to life on screen, each of you has played a crucial role in shaping the narrative of storytelling. The LMGI has evolved into a hub of knowledge-sharing and support, where experienced professionals mentor the next generation, fostering a sense of camaraderie that is truly special. Now, as we stand at the threshold of a new year, I am filled with optimism for what lies ahead. May the coming year bring fresh opportunities, creative breakthroughs and continued growth for each of you. On behalf of myself and the entire Board, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your dedication and passion. Your enthusiasm is the driving force behind the LMGI's success. I am confident that as the celebration of our 20th year as a Guild comes to close, we will carry the lessons learned from the challenges of the past into the future, knowing that together, we are capable of achieving great things! Wishing you all a joyous holiday season and a prosperous year ahead. John Rakich LMGI President Editors Stevie NelSoN DiaNe FrieDmaN Paul meSSaNa eDwarD mazurek DoDD vickerS LMGI Officers JohN rakich, President aliSoN a. taylor, 1st Vice President aNguS leDgerwooD, 2nd Vice President keN Brooker, Treasurer liSa ScoPe, Secretary LMGI Board of Directors Jimmy ayouB DaN coNNolly DaNNy FiNN mac gorDoN eric kleiN roBiN macDoNalD eDwarD mazurek DaviD mckiNNey ryaN Schaetzle Scott trimBle LMGI Chairman Emeritus oriN keNNeDy Administrative Manager erika howarD The LMGI Compass is published quarterly by the Location Managers Guild International. LocationManagers.org Comments, editorial and photo submissions can be sent to: Compass@LocationManagers.org Publisher iNgleDoDD meDia Advertising iNgleDoDD meDia 310.207.4410 LMGI@IngleDodd.com www.IngleDoddMedia.com Official Magazine of Location Professionals Promoting Excellence on Location Worldwide C MPA SS

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