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4 W I N T E R 2 0 2 4 I C A S Q U A R T E R L Y As you have read, the CAS is excited to announce this year's CAS Career Achievement Award recipient, re-recording mixer Joe Earle CAS! Joe's decades-long career in sound boasts more than 150 credits and nearly 40 award nominations and wins. We look forward to celebrating Joe's work and contributions to our industry at the 60th CAS Awards ceremony in March. In the meantime, as we gear-up for awards season, we have a packed Winter CAS Quarterly for you. In this issue, CAS Associate Sam Casas discusses the use of dynamics on the dub stage with interviews from three re-recording mixers in his "Dialing in Dynamics" article. Also on the dub stage, Kurt Kassulke CAS looks at another mixing skill set in his "Localization Mixing" contribution. Relative to a different type of localization, Lamps Lampadinha CAS shares his experience working without picture in his "Immersive Podcast Mixing" article. Dr. Erin Rettig CAS shares excerpts from his PhD dissertation in his "Scoring Stage Upgrade Considerations" submission. Adam Howell CAS is back with the second installment of his "Fan Favorite Films" column, focusing on 1994's The Shawshank Redemption, featuring an interview with production sound mixer and CAS Career Achievement Award recipient Willie D. Burton CAS. In his article "Profiles in Hybrid Mixing," Stephen Fitzmaurice CAS gets the scoop on mixing from home and then moving to the stage, while Patrick Spain CAS looks into "Restoration of Audio Recordings" for archival and presentation. CAS Associate Gregory C. Vilfranc shares personal insight, along with that of his peers in his "Networking Know-How" article. And, as always, be sure to read about the happenings of your fellow members in the "Been There Done That" and "The Lighter Side" sections. Thank you for taking the time to peruse the contents of this issue. If an article makes you think of a friend or colleague, send a link to the online version of the Quarterly, available on the CAS website. If you have the urge, feel free to reach out to us at Finally, know that our sponsors are professionals like you who understand the business and the needs of our industry and are here to support our craft. Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season and a prosperous 2024. Matt Foglia CAS Officers Peter Kurland CAS - President Steve Venezia CAS - Vice President Lee Orloff CAS - Treasurer Frank Morrone CAS - Secretary Directors Lindsey Alvarez CAS David Bondelevitch CAS MPSE Willie D. Burton CAS Devendra Cleary CAS Marc Fishman CAS Tom Fleischman CAS Sara Glaser CAS Melissa Hofmann CAS Doc Kane CAS Sherry Klein CAS Richard Lightstone CAS Christian P. Minkler CAS Phillip W. Palmer CAS Stephen Tibbo CAS Mark Ulano CAS Operations Manager Carol Thomas Editor in Chief Matt Foglia CAS Publisher IngleDodd Media 11661 San Vicente Blvd., Ste. 709 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Questions or Comments: Cinema Audio Society 827 Hollywood Way #632 Burbank, CA 91505 Phone: 818.752.8624 Fax: 818.752.8624 Email Website Advertising: IngleDodd Media 310.207.4410 Email: ©2024 by the Cinema Audio Society. All rights reserved. CAS ® , Cinema Audio Society ® , and Dedicated to the advancement of Sound ® are all trademarks of the Cinema Audio Society and may not be used without permission. F R O M T H E E D I T O R