Location Managers Guild International

Summer 2023

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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8 • LMGI COMPASS | Summer 2023 IN THE NEWS LMGI Board Meets in Person at Atlanta Retreat The LMGI held its annual Board of Directors retreat, in person for the first time since 2019, at the Candler Hotel in Atlanta. Planned as a three-day event from June 9 through June 11, it was an opportunity to bring the Board together for several day-long focused sessions intended to review LMGI progress, policy and planning. Thanks to Candler Hotel's Michelle Bradley, Director of Sales and Marketing, and her Hilton partner, Cindy Mann, Director of Business Travel Sales, for working tirelessly to host the Atlanta event. And to LMGI Board members Mac Gordon and Ryan Schaetzle, in conjunction with LMGI administrative manager Erika Howard, for prepping event details on the ground. Thanks also to Atlanta LMGI location manager Andrea Keener, who volunteered an enormous amount of time. Events kicked off unofficially on Thursday with some early arrivals as Board members flew from NY, Vancouver, LA, Toronto, and as far away as Sydney, Australia. A small group set out and received an unofficial tour of some local neighborhoods and a sample of Atlanta nightlife. On Friday, the remainder of the Board, many of whom had never met in person, enjoyed a reception and dinner at Miller Union. Saturday began the official business of the retreat with the first of many meetings. At the forefront of LMGI Board business is always how best to promote and elevate the awareness of location professionals. As the Guild continues expansion internationally, discussions focused on how to efficiently create regional chapters tasked to organize and address specific local interests while keeping consistency across membership worldwide. The Board also spent considerable time reviewing and improving committees. Whether focused on expanding memberships, finding better ways to involve members or improving benefits for location professionals, these volunteer committees are always evolving to maintain relevance and effectiveness for the Guild. Several more hours were dedicated to topics such as the LMGI Compass, upcoming anniversary events and a review of the yearly budget. The meeting wrapped and it was off to the Atlanta membership event at the Hilton Atlanta Downtown Hotel. Pleasant weather, good food and a solid playlist all contributed to a successful evening event attended by more than 100 Atlanta LMGI members and 13 of the 15 Board members. L-R: Vinay Chand/LMGI, Michelle Brandley/Candler Hotel, Cindy Mann/Hilton Hotel, Dainelle Rusk/LMGI, Andrea Keener/LMGI L-R: David McKinney, John Rakich/LMGI, Alison Taylor/LMGI, Ken Brooker/LMGI. All photos courtesy of Erika Howard

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