Location Managers Guild International

Summer 2023

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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Contents of this Issue


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6 • LMGI COMPASS | Summer 2023 CONTRIBUTORS Shaun O'Banion Shaun O'Banion is a Gotham Award-winning producer currently living and working in Prague, Czech Republic. He has written articles for Movie- Maker Magazine, Filmmaker Magazine, and is a regular contributor on Stage32.com LLC LLC PPS and PTC will be Opening oces in Atlanta soon! Tonya Hartz/LMGI Tonya can be found in her happy place as a location scout in Vancouver, BC. She is grateful for her large capacity for suffering and a career with a solid foundation in chaos. She never stops telling people how much she loves her job as it is one of the better decisions she made in the '90s. Her previous jobs as a self-taught lawyer, DGC instructor, surf camp owner, a fledgling AD, a newspaper photographer, tree planter, commercial fishing gear seller and VHS rewinder, have all contributed to her unique skill set. While not on the clock. Tonya can be found having strong opinions, doing her best as an unnatural mother and paddleboarding. Paul Messana/LMGI Paul first became interested in location scouting while he was an undergrad at Pitzer College. Upon graduation, Paul returned to his hometown to work under Joan Aguado at the South Pasadena Film Office. Through that position, he was introduced to location managers and more opportunities in the field. He has since worked on shows, including Modern Family, All Rise, This Is Us, and The Rookie. Paul currently works as a KALM in Los Angeles.

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