Location Managers Guild International

Summer 2023

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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LMGI: THE NEXT GENERATION BY PAUL MESSANA They're young, smart and enthusiastic about what they do. In this occasional column, KALM Paul Messana, a Gen Xer himself, talks with the upcoming generation of location professionals on the rise. PROFILE ON: DAVID ZACHARY HEINE HOME BASE: Austin, Texas POSITION: Location Manager PAUL MESSANA: So let's start from the beginning. Tell me about where you are from and what got you interested in the industry. DAVID ZACHARY HEINE: I grew up in Austin, Texas, and am still based, at least part of the year, in my hometown. I remember when the famous "Austin City Limits" sign read population: 200,000. Today, Austin has nearly 1 million residents. We used to drive by that sign on the way to our family farm just outside of town. I was raised in the small neighborhood of Travis Heights and our family farm. I was into movies and music and Austin has always been a major cultural hub. I think it was that combination that led me to a career in location management. After high school, I left Austin and headed to Los Angeles for college. I got into photography at a young age using an old Canon AE-1. I liked being in the darkroom developing film. It was a good meditative hobby. That's when it became a passion for me. I was 1,300 miles away from home with no real social network. The photographic process became all-encompassing in my life, and I began to see my horizons through a creative lens. Photography led me to UCLA where I studied anthropology, film & television, and design media arts. At UCLA, I met a group of colleagues that helped inspire my love of storytelling. After graduating, a few of us spent several years writing, directing and producing our own films. I returned to Texas when I heard the TV series Friday Night Lights was filming on my family farm. Photos by David Zachary Heine/LMGI, except where noted

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