Location Managers Guild International

Summer 2023

The Location Managers Guild International (LMGI) is the largest organization of Location Managers and Location Scouts in the motion picture, television, commercial and print production industries. Their membership plays a vital role in the creativ

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20 • LMGI COMPASS | Summer 2023 IN MY CITY: VICTORIA Fisherman's Wharf. Photo: Paul Russell/LMGI help us as an industry developing lasting relationships. The municipalities and districts on the South Island are always willing to help and enthusiastic to go the extra mile for us. COVID had a real impact on our industry, too. I think fear and loss (both personally and professionally) have made some homeowners and business owners less interested in engaging with the film industry. Any interruption in people's personal or business lives can sometimes seem insurmountable in our post-COVID world. Stevie: WHAT ARE THE SPECIFIC CHALLENGES FILMING IN VICTORIA OR IN YOUR GENERAL TERRITORY? PR: Locally, our biggest challenge is our lack of studio space. When 100% of a show needs to be filmed, practically, it can be extremely challenging to not have an opportunity to break with stage time or have an option for weather cover. It requires a very dedicated and a larger location team to execute the amount of paperwork and footwork needed to accomplish it. Victoria is not a manufacturing or distribution hub, so we do not have the luxury of converting old warehouse spaces into stages because they simply do not exist. On Reginald the Vampire, we got quite creative and developed a studio space in an unused department store in a mall. It worked well for our purposes, but the lack of physical infrastructure is by far our largest challenge here. The industry here is transient, only a small number of production companies are setting up permanent production offices here. As such the general film infrastructure doesn't exist on the island. There are no rental houses for film or location equipment in the city. Everything for the show must be brought from the Mainland by ferry. We have built relationships with local Goldstream. Photo: Paul Russell/LMGI Victoria. Photo: Jason Nolan/LMGI

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