CDG - The Costume Designer

Winter 2023

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Page 15 of 99

Outstanding Contemporary Costumes Hacks: The Captain's Wife Costume Designer: KATHLEEN FELIX-HAGER Costume Supervisor: Karen Bellamy Outstanding Period Costumes The Great: Five Days Costume Designer: SHARON LONG Assistant Costume Designers: Anna Cavalerie, Bobbie Edwards Costume Supervisor: Viveene Campbell Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-fi Costumes What We Do in the Shadows: The Wellness Center Costume Designer: LAURA MONTGOMERY Assistant Costume Designers: Barbara Cardoso Costume Supervisor: Judy Laukkanen Outstanding Costumes For a Variety, Nonfiction, Or Reality Program We're Here: Evansville, Indiana Costume Designers: CASEY CALDWELL DIEGO MONTOYA, JOSHUA "DOMINO" SCHWARTZ, MARCO MARCO, PATRYQ HOWELL Photos: Television Academy 14 THE COSTUME DESIGNER | WINTER 2023

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