ADG Perspective

November-December 2022

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8 8 P E R S P E C T I V E | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 The Valley, July 11, 2021 By the middle of July, it was clear the Vampire Hunters Union, Local 8711 had come under the scrappy leadership and instincts of its hero, Bud Jablonski, and cut the head clean off that pesky little vampire outbreak in the Valley. It was a wrap…at least for now, on Day Shift. Yes, vampires in the San Fernando Valley! Say no more. I was in. In late 2020, while I was finishing up Samaritan, I got a call from JJ Perry to see if I was interested in taking on a passion project he had been developing for several years. It was described to me as a contemporary action/ comedy digging deep into the world of the vampire mythos. I knew JJ from our collaboration on a previous film and we quickly reconnected, introducing me to the extensive vampire world he had been creating. Although Day Shift tells a relatively contained story centered in the suburbs of Los Angeles, JJ's vampire genogram outlined a global map charting all kinds of vamps from the Southern Mayan Camazotz to the Eastern Korean Gangshi. At the center was Romania with off shoots to Hungary, Germany and France that all led to what he referred to as an "Uber Vamp." It was clear to see the extent of the eventual storytelling. Originally scripted by Tyler Tice, Impossible Dream producers Shaun Redick and Yvette Yates Redick brought this project to JJ knowing he was H u n t i n g V a m p i r e s i n t h e V a l l e y T H E A R T O F D AY S H I F T B Y G R E G B E R R Y, P R O D U C T I O N D E S I G N E R A. MAYAN TEMPLE ALTAR. ILLUSTRATION BY MAREK OKON DONE IN BLENDER AND PHOTOSHOP. AN EARLY STUDY OF HOW PAIGE AND JOCELYN WOULD BE HELD AT THE ALTAR. A

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