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1 1 2 P E R S P E C T I V E | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 A question I get often when discussing my work on the show. The Boys is one of those shows that draws obsessive devoted fans and has still managed to stay under the radar in certain ways. If you haven't seen the show yet, I recommend that it be your next binge-watching experience. Sure, it's a superhero show, but really, it's anything but. It's a satirical ride exploring what the world would be like if super-enabled humans were really part of daily life, and it turns out they tend to be assholes. (I feel like I can write that given the nature of the show!) My journey on The Boys began in season three, seasons one and two having been designed by Dave Blass and Arv Greywal, respectively. Arv, tragically and unexpectedly, passed away having just begun preproduction for season three. He had begun some beautiful concepts for the new season, and I came in just a bit more than a month after he passed. As a result, I inherited his Art Department team, who were understandably still in shock when I arrived. I wanted to honor the work Arv and his team had already done, so those sets that were already begun were seen through as best as we could to Arv's vision. T h e B o y s , S e a s o n T h r e e P U S H I N G T H E B O U N D A R I E S B Y J E F F M O S S A , P R O D U C T I O N D E S I G N E R "What is The Boys about?" A