Wyoming Education Association

Spring 22

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1458924

Contents of this Issue


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Ann Acosta James Charles Barrus Ann Blackwell Mary A. Boe John P. Cook John J. Gracey Mel Faber Tracey Ann Habel Kathleen R. Hartman Crocket Herring Kathy Heuer Sara Hockley Kimberly A. Jones Nancy Jones Shirley M. Larson Vic Larsen Betty Lundvall Donita McCoy Carol Ann Meier-Caspersen Dorothy "Dottie" Miller Tammy B. Needham Jean Oxley Sandra Rageth Catherine Quinlan Bouzis Scisson Maria Elena Sisneros Louise Skyles Kristy (Kersey) Van Der Hoeven Valerie Wood Larry Wostenberg In Memory Please join WEA in remembering our deceased friends and colleagues. The names of deceased educators will be published once annually in WEA News. To add a name to our Memoriam, please email aturner@wyoea.org.

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