Wyoming Education Association

Fall 2021

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"There are many reasons why it is important to continue growing our membership," WEA Vice President and Membership Chair Kim Amen told WEA News. "In today's political climate, it's more important now than ever that we provide a strong, unified voice for public education. We are a member organization—the more members we have, the stronger voice we have and the more power we have to influence policy impacting our public schools." At this summer's annual Membership Committee meeting, regional leadership teams came together to develop membership plans that will drive the work to recruit and retain members in every region, ultimately strengthening the Association as a whole. "These plans include both recruiting events and engagement events," shared Vice President Amen, "we are planning to provide many new opportunities for engagement this year, and each region adapted their plan to meet the needs of members specific to each region." FROM PLANS FROM PLANS TO PROGRESS TO PROGRESS HOW REGIONAL MEMBERSHIP PLANS HOW REGIONAL MEMBERSHIP PLANS ARE STRENGTHENING THE ASSOCIATION ARE STRENGTHENING THE ASSOCIATION WEA's Membership Committee met this summer to develop Region Membership Plans for the 2021-2022 school year. WEA News caught up with Vice President and Membership Committee Chair Kim Amen to learn more about plans for strengthening the Association throughout the next school year. During this school year, Vice President Amen plans to start working with region vice presidents to create regional membership teams. "Ideally, these teams will work with regional leadership at next year's Membership Committee meeting to develop membership plans that will drive recruitment and engagement efforts, initiatives, and events," she said. "I believe if we create active membership teams in every region, we will be able to drive the membership work, which will result in membership growth and will create leadership opportunities for our members." Interested in strengthening the Association by getting involved in a regional membership team? Reach out to WEA Vice President and Membership Chair Kim Amen at kamen@wyoea.org. 9

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