Wyoming Education Association

Fall 2021

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1419437

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Back to school is an exciting time of year and an opportunity to share with your colleagues the value of your membership with WEA. While organizing with field staff this summer, it was wonderful to experience members sharing their reasons for belonging during many back-to- school and new-employee orientations (see center spread on page 16). There was a renewed energy all over the state, with most district s, again, cautiously resuming in-person events. As I watched and listened to our member-leaders share their stories with potential members, I heard a common theme: It is more important than ever to belong to your professional association so you can influence decisions made at your school district level, as well as at the state and national levels. This has never been more apparent than now during the COVID –19 pandemic. And it is not all doom and gloom. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan (ARP), your school district will soon be receiving potentially millions of federal dollars depending on what district you are in. Each school district, or Local Education Agency (LEA), must develop a plan for its use of the ARP ESSER funds. In developing its plan, an LEA must engage in meaningful consultation with stakeholders, including students; families; school and district administrators (including special education administrators); and teachers, principals, school leaders, other educators, school staff, and their unions. Ron Sniffin Executive Director, WEA rsniffin@wyoea.org (307)214-3389 E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R F r o m t h e M e m b e r s E n g a g i n g M e m b e r s WEA is poised and ready to help facilitate your local's discussion with your District with resources and training. We recently polled your local presidents in order to identify who in your locals will participate in training in order to be successful with these negotiations. With resources from WEA, we want to make this process as easy as possible for your locals, especially knowing the important work yo u are doing with your students. This is an opportunity like never before to work with your district administration. We want to exhibit that collaboration between the Association and the District results in better learning opportunities for students. WEA members had a seat at the table at a state level, offering their expertise and perspective to Wyoming Department of Education staff (see page 13) on ARP ESS ER funds. We now have an opportunity, a right even, for locals to be working collaboratively with Districts on the best use of these funds in every community in our state. If you're interested in serving on the committees that will complete this important work for Wyoming students, please reach out to your local president to let them know. In closing, I want to remind you all about the countless opportuni ties available to you through the Association. WEA membership opens the door to ensuring your voice is heard on state and local issues that impact you and your students. WEA offers all members advocacy and protection. It offers our engaged members so much more. Opportunities provided through your Association are here for you to become an engaged Association member and a better- informed professional. Thank you for your continued hard work and your dedication to Wyoming students. 5

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