Wyoming Education Association

Fall 2021

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/1419437

Contents of this Issue


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2 0 2 2 W E A V A C A N C I E S N O M I N A T I O N F O R M S A V A I L A B L E O N W Y O E A . O R G S T A T E / N A T I O N A L O F F I C E S : WEA ESP Statewide Representative - 2-year term WEA Ethnic Minority Statewide Representative - 2-year term WEA Higher Education Statewide Representative - 2-year term R E G I O N O F F I C E S : Central Region Representative - 2-year term NE Region President - 2-year term NE Region Vice President - 2-year term NW Region President - 2-year term NW Region Vice President - 1-year term SE Region President - 2-year term SE Region Vice President - 2-year term SE Region Representative - 2-year term SW Region Representative - 2-year term NEA RA State Delegate (Category 1) - 2-year term - up to 5 delegates NEA RA State Delegate (Category 2) - 1-year term - 1 delegate NEA RA Region Cluster Delegates (1-year term) - this includes Certified and ESP members who belong to a local with less than 75 members CR Cluster - 1 delegate NER Cluster - 1 delegate NWR Cluster - 3 delegates SER Cluster - 2 delegate SWR Cluster - 2 delegates S T A T E D E L E G A T E S T O N E A R E P R E S E N T A T I V E A S S E M B L Y : C A N D I D A C Y D E C L A R A T I O N P A P E R W O R K A V A I L A B L E A T W Y O E A . O R G WEAnews Magazine Candidate Ad Deadline Date: February 25, 2022 Contact aturner@wyoea.org to learn more about placing a candidate's ad in WEA News 25

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