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20 • THE ARTISAN FALL 2019 GUILD NEWS CRAFT EDUCATION The Powder Group: TV and Film Intensive Rhonda thanked hair stylists Kenneth Walker, Mary Mastro and Janet Moore with beautiful certificates. While the Make-Up Craft Meeting summer hiatus kept things quiet until October, on September 22, Michael DeVellis and The Powder Group brought a full-day industry event to Local 80, working in televison and film. As a full roster of talented top make-up artists shared their craft, it was some of Local 706's best that showcased their careers, techniques, and friendship. Kicking things off, The Milton Agency panel featured founder Daniella Milton and her business partner Mandi Martin, celebrating 20 years of The Milton Agency. Among their top clients and joining them for a discussion on stage were Local 706 artists Trefor Proud, John Blake and Julie Hewitt, sharing their journeys and advice for their fellow artists. The next presentation, "Focus on Period Make-Up," featured 706 journeyman and Milton Agency client Debbie Zoller, fresh from her Emmy win for Fosse/Verdon, as she shared career highlights and evolved a period accurate make-up from the 1940s up to the 1970s. Following a short recess, the next presentation, "Creating the Character," featured Amy Forsyth, who shared career highlights, including work on Stranger Things and Russian Doll. After screen- ing a trailer from her recent girls rock band project, Her Smell, Amy demonstrated a strung-out, faded glam rock character make-up. Next up, "The Art of the Team" brought award-winning 706 jour- neyman Eryn Krueger Mekash to the stage, along with her dream team of top Local 706 artists: Mike Mekash, Kim Ayers, and Silvina Knight. Together, they shared stories, career and show highlights, and stressed the importance of teamwork, reliability, friendship, and love. Finishing off the day, "A Career in Make-Up," saw award-winning artist and 706 journeyman Ve Neill take the stage, sharing a show reel and then discussing more than 40 years of career highlights, from humble beginnings learning FX in a garage, to helming some of the biggest films and running the biggest crews. Many Local 706 members were among the audience, given invites from The Powder Group to attend, and networking with each other and the legendary artists featured. Thank you to sponsors Skindinavia, The Makeup Light, Nigel Beauty, Cinema Secrets, Graftobian, Temptu, EI School of Professional Makeup, and Make Up For Ever. And thank you to Michael DeVellis, The Powder Group, and all the talented and generous artists who gave their day to edu- cate and enlighten the TV and film community. B Y B R I A N K I N N E Y J O U R N E Y M A N M A K E U P A R T I S T M A K E U P C R A F T P R E S I D E N T