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22 finally take the mystery out of shopping, making it simple for people to choose the healthiest products for themselves and their families and to use their wallets to take a stand against unhealthy alternatives and unethical business practices. Likewise, the standard also provides a path for companies that know better and do better to prosper by throwing the buying power and influence of millions of dedicated mothers behind their products. At the highest level, 5 Stars, a product will not only be organic and non-GMO, it will also incorporate additional pesticide testing, humanely raised animal products, Fair Trade, low- to no-pollution packaging, and support regenerative organic agriculture. As more and more products attain the Moms Across America Gold Standard and the seal becomes noticeable in grocery store aisles, moms will recognize at a glance the brands that have taken extraordinary measures to make products that are not only good for our families but good for the planet, as well. They will buy those products, and we will see a shift in the market. Toxic pesticides will no longer be sold, as recently happened when Costco responded to our petition by removing Roundup from its shelves. Soil will regenerate, our food will become nutritious again, and incidences of chronic health issues for children and adults will drop. It's time to end the Chemical Era. Together, consumers, food manufacturers, and farmers can protect this and future generations from toxins and restore health and prosperity to our country. About Moms Across America: Moms Across America is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. Their motto is "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids." For more information, visit Moms Across America Continued from previous page FREE YOUR MIND. EMPOWER YOUR LIFE. ENTER PROMO CODE NATURAL FOR VALUABLE SAVINGS! Begin living an empowered life today! Empowered Online Learning Your life needs something that creates real change and starts adding value to your day just found it. Integrative NLP Practitioner Online Course FREE YOUR MIND. EMPOWER YOUR LIFE. Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification® Training San Diego, CA October 3 - 6, 2019 Sheraton La Jolla Hotel Discover the extraordinary benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how to apply these tools and techniques in your life at this not to be missed training event! ONLY $144 TO ATTEND USE PROMO CODE N AT U R A L Space is Limited Get Your Ticket Today! /training-schedule/ 800-800-MIND(6463) Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification ® Training Orange County, CA December 12-15, 2019 Hyatt Regency Orange County Discover the extraordinary benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how to apply these tools and techniques in your life. Don't miss this life-changing training event! ENTER PROMO CODE WHOLELIFE FOR VALUABLE SAVINGS! Begin living an empowered life today! Empowered Online Learning Your life needs something that creates real change and starts adding value to your day just found it. Integrative NLP Practitioner Online Course ONLY $144 TO ATTEND USE PROMO CODE W H O L E L I F E Space is Limited Get Your Ticket Today! 800-800-MIND(6463) Above: "Moms Across America" participate in an Independance Day parade & festival in Huntington Beach, California; Right: Zen Honeycutt, Founding Executive Director of "Moms Across America." Of the top 17 most developed countries, the USA ranks last in health. Americans spend the highest amount of money on health care, and yet have the lowest health rating. Photos: Courtesy of Moms Across America