The Tasting Panel magazine

December 2017

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94  /  the tasting panel  /  december 2017 MOONSHINE W ith more than half a million people visiting each NFL stadium per year, international beverage brands work tirelessly to squeeze their way into the liquid lineup at America's most popular sporting events. As the spirits category seeks global dominance of the beverage arena, it's no wonder that the boom- ing popularity of craft spirits has created inroads into actual arenas across the country. The Tennessee Titans are the newest NFL franchise to embrace the craft spirit culture by adding a new player to the concessions game: Ole Smoky Moonshine. At the Titans' Nissan Stadium in Nashville, Ole Smoky plays a pivotal role in creating a sports experience unlike any other. "I love football, and any time you can get your product in a venue where they're having a good time, it's good for the brand," says Joe Baker, Founder of Ole Smoky Moonshine. While moonshine producers are relatively few and far between in the craft spirits industry, Baker has watched his brand grow in popularity all while staying close to its roots. "When we came out, we were really one of the first who embraced moonshine," he tells The Tasting Panel. "'Moonshine' has been on the label from the beginning—it's part of our name." Born and bred in Tennessee, Baker has a connection to white lightning that's followed him through every stage of life. "I went to college in Washington, D.C., and anytime someone heard I was from Tennessee, one of the first questions I was asked was, 'Can you get us some moonshine?'" he recalls. After Tennessee's liquor regulations loosened Get Your Ice-Cold Moonshine Here! Two Titans of Tennessee come together at Nissan Stadium in Nashville: the NFL team and Ole Smoky Moonshine. by Matt Jackson / photos by Jason Myers OLE SMOKY MAKES ITS FORAY INTO FOOTBALL WITH THE TENNESSEE TITANS

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