The Tasting Panel magazine

December 2017

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92  /  the tasting panel  /  december 2017 SPARKLING WINE T hat Americans are no longer limiting their consumption of sparkling wine to celebratory occasions is in itself a cause for celebration. But the bubbly bandwagon we've jumped on in droves still has a long road ahead: While sales particularly of Prosecco have been steadily rising over the past few years, the wider world of regions and styles remains largely unexplored. Special case in point: Cava. The time is ripe to introduce stateside consumers to the Spanish sparkler, and no company may be better positioned to do so than J. García Carrión. According to National Sales Manager Tom Bernth, Cava promotes "the same sophisticated lifestyle" for Spain as Prosecco does for Italy—offering a taste of la dolce vida as some- thing to "enjoy every night with ham and cheese"—for a comparable price of $14–$15 a bottle. Carving a Niche for J. GARCÍA CARRIÓN TRAINS A SPOTLIGHT ON THE SPANISH SPARKLER by Ruth Tobias Cava

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