The Tasting Panel magazine

December 2017

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76  /  the tasting panel  /  december 2017 A s Director of HR for Empire Merchants, LLC, Annette Perry and her team are responsible for the entire human resource system— including labor relations, recruitment, benefits, compensation, performance management, and training—sup- porting more than 1,200 employees both union and professional. In addition to being the Immediate Past President of the Society for Human Resource Management–Long Island (SHRM-LI), Perry remains active on the SHRM-LI Board of Directors and acts as a mentor to SHRM members and committees. Perry also serves as a member of the New York Institute of Technology Advisory Council. ForceBrands: First, let's talk back- ground. What inspired you to become a human resources professional? Annette Perry: When I first went into HR many years ago, there was no such thing as human resources. In those days, it was simply called "personnel." I remember I had a job as a supervisor working for an insurance company in their "office services" department managing a staff of typists and tran- scribers (yes, really!). I built a relation- ship with the personnel manager who inspired me to do more. I realized that working with associates and manage- ment to create a successful culture within the organization was where my heart truly lay. FB: Your career in HR is extensive. What has been one of the biggest learning curves you've experienced since joining the industry? AP: Interesting question. Aside from learning the "business of the business" and understanding the three-tier system, from an HR perspective learn- ing to work closely with and gaining the respect of our union partners was probably the most challenging. FB: Moving up the corporate ladder is a topic you've offered some expertise on in "A Minute Smarter," a collaborative series offering Long Island Arts Alliance (LIAA) member organizations the opportunity to share their prowess and passion with the public. Do you mind elaborating on why lateral moves are beneficial to career growth? AP: As I said in that piece, "lateral" is not a dirty word. Often times taking a lateral move affords the associate with valuable gained knowledge and experience they wouldn't necessarily acquire otherwise. This sets them apart when they're looking to make that next career move "up the ladder" and offers a wider breadth of capabil- ity, understanding, and ability to draw on in that new position. Unfortunately, too many people think the only way to grow is up and taking a lateral move has a stigma attached to it. This is just not so. FB: What are some of your best tips for identifying and hiring effective leaders? AP: I always say that you can teach someone the mechanics of the job but you can't teach someone work ethic. In order to be successful in any position, you must have a strong work ethic and that "fire in the belly" that identifies itself with success. When you find someone who exemplifies a passion for achievement and accomplishment, you've identified the first prong to success. For a leader to be effec- tive, they must also give and garner respect, because without respect for one another, you create a toxic work environment that is not conducive for anything. That's the second prong to success. Finally, the third prong to success for an effective leader is what I call the "3 C's": Communication, Confidence, and Commitment. DIRECTOR OF HR, EMPIRE MERCHANTS, LLC Annette Perry PHOTO COURTESY OF ANNETTE PERRY HOT SHOT

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