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departMent HeADer 48 / the tasting panel / march 2010 France Let's begin with France and names such as Rothschild and Château Léoville-Poyferré, one of only 15 second growths from the Médoc's St. Julien district, or perhaps Puligny-Montrachet, one of the most famous white Burgundies. Included in Royal Wines's Fabuleux portfolio are Sancerres from the Loire, Côtes- du-Rhônes and even cognacs from producer Louis Royer. What they have in common is that these specific bottlings are kosher. Born and raised in the Languedoc in Southwest France, Pierre Miodovnick—who now resides in Israel—heads up the French wine division for Royal. He has scoured the cellars of France and reserved special barrels for this collection, bringing in a rabbinical team to certify a specific amount of each wine as kosher under Jewish law. "It's a combination of tradition, savoir-faire and develop- ing a portfolio that covers some of the best that France has to offer," says Miodovnick. "It also takes a good organiza- tion behind us." Miodovnick, who has worked for Royal since 1985, also coordinates his team with the help of renowned enolo- gist/consultant Michel Rolland. "There is no difference in taste between our Corton Charlemagne and the non- kosher version," he attests. Israel The mistaken idea that all kosher wines hail from Israel is being set right today, along with the myth that all kosher wines from Israel are low end. Israel has not only emerged as a welcome player in the world fine wine arena, its wine- makers are talented, educated and sport experience from working at wineries in both New and Old World cellars. Kosher renaissance Pierre Miodovnick brings in the best of the best, from Bordeaux to Burgundy and in-between. Roy- al Wine is working in tandem with SOPEXA, the organization that promotes the wines of France. defined by terroir, style and character, the "New" koSHer portfolio froM royAl wiNe May adhere to 3,000-year-old biblical rules, but to the tasting panel, these Modern contenders are World-class in anyone's booK by Meridith May / photos by Maria Schriber

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