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LOGISTICS Tracking Down Better Transport REFRIGERATED DISTRIBUTION AND LOGISTICS COMPANY RAILEX USA DELIVERS ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY TRANSPORT AND, IN TURN, A BETTER WINE AND SPIRITS EXPERIENCE by Elyse Glickman A lthough "cold chain" rail transport is a mainstay in the beverage industry to carry product from distributors to on- and off-premise accounts, Railex USA is inject- ing a shot of adrenaline into this tried-and-true distribution channel. They are going to great lengths to ensure their "machines" are not just well-oiled, but running greener, cleaner and cooler in the process. The company also prom- ises their green trains give traditional trucking distribution a run for its money. "We're revolutionizing the speed of the rails," emphasizes Steve Poindexter, Director of Business Trade Development consider," says Poindexter. "As we take more road equip- ment off the highways, we will see fewer accidents and more lives saved." Poindexter moves on to stress that one of the most impor- tant parts of their campaign is to convince their beverage distributor clients to make their "cold chain" (a temperature- controlled supply chain) transport their primary mode of shipping, especially as slower train platforms and refriger- ated trucking companies may have somewhat less control over the elements that literally come with the territory of going from coast to coast, with desert heat and mountain conditions involved. Temperature-controlled Railex train cars improve transport of wine and spirits, saving beverage industry clients money and also preserving the environment. at Railex. "Our service consists of fi ve-day service from coast to coast, while typical rail service takes anywhere from 10 to 15 days. What makes this difference important for the spirits and wine industry is that the clock starts ticking for our clients the moment the goods are picked up. By shortening the days in transit by seven to ten days, clients can turn their inventory around faster and be more profi table." Poindexter explains Railex train cars improve transport of wine and spirits from the outside in, not only saving bever- age industry clients money, but also giving an assist to the environment. Using their signature "Carbon Calculator" and other measuring tools, Railex calculates the savings to their clients and the environment, from warehouse to customer, computing the cost differences between refrigerated train and truck transport systems. "When we calculate beyond the initial savings on fossil fuel and carbon reduction, there is also wear and tear in roadways, less equipment and less idle road congestion to 54 / the tasting panel / may 2012 "By better controlling internal temperature of the train cars, end consumers will experience the aromas and fl avors the winemakers, master distillers and brewmasters intended," Poindexter details. "By not controlling a cold chain transport effectively, the fl uctuation of temperatures will cause fl avors, aromas and other aspects of the product to change. Our goal is to convince the beverage industry to work with our system, which stringently maintains proper temperature for the duration of the transport." Poindexter and his team are on the road to make their presence known at such diverse trade shows as the Natural Products Show, the International Pizza Show, the Wine and Spirits Show and the California Wine Symposium. He also notes the company is involved with a third-party evaluation of Railex's services to solidify their existing evidence that greener and more effi cient cold chain transport system will result in a superior beverage product for the fi nal consumers. On the Facts Track . . . In 2011, Railex: ◗ Reduced fuel consumption by 12,192,110 gallons and carbon output by 233,082 metric tons, compared to over the road trucks. ◗ Saved 75,182,950 long-haul freight miles. ◗ Transported 26,791 loads of product, noting each unit train takes 200 trucks off highways. Since its 2006 inception, Railex has: ◗ Reduced fuel consumption by 40,675,841 gallons and carbon output by 804,697 metric tons, compared to over the road trucks. ◗ Saved 258,528,733 long-haul freight miles. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K