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THE MESSAGE Whether THE TASTING PANEL goes to the brand execs or the brands call us, there is an abundance of news to report, from the latest releases to behind-the-scenes experiences with some of the world's most infl uential importers, winemakers, distillers . . . well, you name it. Brief Encounters We may not have enough pages in each issue to devote as much attention as we would like to each person whose path we cross, but please note that if it's in the publication, we deem it noteworthy —Meridith May, Publisher & Executive Editor Godfather of California Moscato "T his is my 20th vintage of Moscato Canelli," offers Craig Reed, a veteran Central Coast winemaker who, with business partner Peter Price, recently formed a new wine company called The Price Book. It's no stretch to refer to Reed as the Godfather of California Moscato, as he was instrumental in bringing the vari- etal into the fore before it took hold of everyone's heart and palate. Now, with the whimsical label of a pretty woman on a motor scooter, their 2011 Moscato Bella (SRP $12) is geared for the female consumer who likes it a little sweet (10 percent residual sugar) and lower in alcohol (14 proof). "But the high acidity is present," notes Peter Price, who sat with Reed and me to taste the fragrant wine. It certainly is: The acid balances out the fi nish thanks to cold-fermentation for four weeks. "It's been cold its entire life," Reed assures us. It sits in a tank at 38 degrees and is bottled as we need it. With aromatics of green apple on the nose, the wine leads into a garden of orange blossoms. The middle sensation of Texas Ruby Red grapefruit is persistent and carries to a fi nish of pineapple cream. But that acid is present all the time. —Meridith May Central Coast winemaker Craig Reed (left) and busi- ness partner Peter Price have formed a new wine company called The Price Book. Their fi rst product is the sweet and food-friendly 2011 Moscato Bella. 16 / the tasting panel / may 2012