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2 Post • February 2014 T O O L S YOUTUBE SPACE LA LONE SURVIVOR I BRAKE FOR YARD SALES CHIP SLOAN/DIGITAL ONE 12 6 18 30 Finding Bigfoot is in its third season on Animal Planet, and each hour-long episode is culled from as many as 80 hours of footage captured on a range of digital formats. Sony's XDCAM serves as the main acquisition format, but the show's producers — Ping Pong Productions — also rely on GoPros and infrared cameras to capture all of the effort that goes into tracking down Sas- quatch. This month, Post looks at a number of Reality TV pro- grams and their production and post workflows. For more, turn to page 18. 4 EDITOR'S LETTER Reality TV, plug-ins & more! By Marc Loftus 6 BITS & PIECES What's new in post production 10 RESELLER SPOTLIGHT The sales & distribution business 12 DIRECTOR'S CHAIR Peter Berg — Lone Survivor By Iain Blair 14 OPEN HOUSE 1/29's collaborative mindset 16 CAREERS Honoring cinematographer Dean Cundey, A.S.C. By Christine Bunish 38 PRODUCTS The latest in hardware & software 40 POST POSITIONS Waveform monitors & color correction By Richard Duvall 41 POSTINGS A graphic glimpse of some recent work 42 PEOPLE Keeping tabs of the industry's movers & shakers 47 REVIEW KRK's Rokit bi-amplified speakers Ron DiCesare 48 REVIEW HP's ZBook 14 ultrabook By Dariush Derakhshani 18 POSTING REALITY TV This genre of programming relies on efficient workflows and lots of storage. By Christine Bunish 24 SOCIAL MEDIA Facilities are seeing new business and marketing opportunities. By Michael Goldman 30 UNSUNG AUDIO GEAR Pros open the doors to their studios and reveal their favorite tools. By Jennifer Walden 36 VFX PLUG-INS Low-cost, time-saving tools S E R V I N G T H E I N D U S T R Y S I N C E 1 9 8 6 V O L 2 9 · N O . 2 O N O U R C O V E R DAILY NEWS UPDATES • Hearing Loss & Preservation By Gordon Hempton WEB EXCLUSIVES This Month In Next generation game tech Hatching realistic CG dinosaurs Challenging animated shorts Studios' quest for storage P R O G R A M M I N G B U S I N E S S