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BEVFORCE HOT SHOT John Fruin NATIONAL SALES MANAGER, CORAVIN PHOTOS: CHRISTINE TOMLINSON E ▲ John Fruin, photographed at restaurant 1313 Main in Napa, CA. Coravin is an ingenious device that allows wine to be drawn from bottles without pulling the cork—a boon to collectors and sommeliers. ach month we check in with one BevForce Mover & Shaker to provide you with some behind-the-scenes insight on the job search process, the beverage industry's most innovative companies and the executives who drive them. This month, we chatted with John Fruin, who was recently named National Sales Manager at Coravin. He had been Director of Sales at Tamber Bey Vineyards. THE TASTING PANEL: How would you define Coravin's culture and what attracted you to it? John Fruin: Coravin's culture is like none other I've experienced. I like to describe it as a lightning fast fighter jet that can maneuver swiftly, as well as land perfectly on its target. The people at Coravin are extremely empowering and embrace one another's diversity to achieve company goals. There are no big egos here, just great teamwork and mutual respect for each other to work hard and achieve company goals. The attraction to Coravin was not only its people, but the phenomenal impact this wonderful device will offer an industry I've loved for my entire career. TTP: What are your plans to further develop the business over the next year? JF: Our development will be calculated as the business unfolds ending 2013 and planned new growth for early 2014 as we expand domestically. New regions such as international markets have opened as well as our strategy deepens and grows. It is very exciting to witness and be a part of something transformational in an industry filled with family histories, traditions and world appeal. TPP: What was the best career advice you've ever been given and who gave it to you? JF: The best and most useful advice given to me was to always look at an opportunity that would propel your growth from a group of people that love their job. Surround yourself with positive, successful people and the product you represent will come naturally. TPP: What advice would you give to job seekers looking for their next role? JF: Listen to what the employer is asking of you and about the company. Always get a sense of the employer's passion and if they like where they work and the people on the team. TTP: What are some of the most valuable lessons you have learned from mentors in the industry? JF: Depending on your role in a company—listen, learn and finally make it your own with your unique personality, which will only make the company stronger for the future. Don't mirror your competition; win them over with respect and hard work. Most important: Be passionate and humble while performing as the lead team player. TTP: If you didn't work in the beverage industry, what would you be doing? JF: I would be riding a bicycle/scooter through Tuscany or some seaside area on my way to work pouring a delicious cup of coffee or wine in my own business. TTP: If you weren't sipping on some Coravin-accessed wine, you would be drinking a . . . JF: Tall glass of water with a twist of lemon and the perfect cup of espresso, with a caramel-colored cream layer on top that is thick enough to support a spoonful of sugar for a few seconds before breaking. Where you ask? Rome has the best espresso near the Pantheon, where water is sourced from springs by the Aqua Virgo, an aqueduct built in 19 B.C. Yum! december 2013 / the tasting panel / 95 TP1213_064-103.indd 95 11/23/13 8:35 PM