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Success in primary election, tough fight ahead ACTION LEFT: Gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown (second from left) joins CTA Vice President Dean Vogel, President David A. Sanchez, Secretary-Treasurer Gail Mendes, and Executive Director Carolyn Doggett at the June State Council meeting. BELOW: Liane Cismowski talks about projects funded by Insitute for Teaching mini-grants given out this year. servants who serve us all.” November’s showdown elec- it was “hard work and solidar- ity on key issues by teachers across the state that made a huge difference in the June 8 primary election and will help win the state budget battle and protect our schools.” Introducing Democratic gu- C bernatorial c andidate Jerry Brown, Sa nchez r eminded Council delegates that the cur- rent s tate a ttorney g eneral “knows that California’s future depends on a world-class, qual- ity public school system. He believes that the best education reform happens when there is collaboration among teachers, administrators and parents.” Calling for more proven, 30 California Educator | JUNE 2010 TA President David A. Sanchez told CTA’s State Council of Education that teacher-supported reforms for our public schools, Brown told an enthusiastic Council audi- ence he would “mobilize the people of this state” behind public education to achieve a better future for all. “Look, w e’re facin g b ig changes, a nd p eople w ho haven’t been around always want to reinvent the wheel with yesterday’s t ried and failed programs,” said Brown of state and federal obsessions with standardized testing and other so-called reforms. “We don’t make progress by divid- ing. We make progress b y uniting.” Drawing loud cheers and applause, he said teachers should be trusted to k now what works in their classrooms — and should get proven re- forms, like more time for col- leagues to share ideas, more prep time and profes- sional develop- ment. He called for one united California t o protect the mid- dle class and to end p oli t ical gridlock. Public schools and public servants deserve more respect, said Brown. “I think we have to restore the trust of the people — we have to show trust in the teachers and the [public] tion for governor is about the positive values of educators who care about their students and public schools versus the negative, anti-union values of billionaire Meg Whitman, said CTA Executive Director Caro- lyn Doggett. Whitman is clear- ly f ocused on s capegoating public employees for the state’s fiscal woes, and is part of the “public employee and teaching bashing agenda that’s being played out across this co unt ry,” said Doggett. “Meg seems to forget that public employees a re teachers, nurses, firefighters, po- lice officers, child care workers and custodians,” con- tinued Doggett. “They are you and me. They’re our friends and neighbors. They make us smart and keep us safe and healthy. They are the work- ing class that helped build this CTA photo by Bonnie Shatun; inset photo by Mike Myslinski CTA photo by Dave Earl Carpenter