CAS Quarterly

Spring 2018

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4 S P R I N G 2 0 1 8 C A S Q U A R T E R L Y FROM THE EDITORS... Matt Foglia CAS Karol Urban CAS MPSE FROM THE EDITORS... FROM THE EDITORS... Hello CAS members and friends. Welcome to our spring issue where, in celebration of this year's CAS Awards ceremony that was held in February, we get to "Meet the Winners" from our seven "Outstanding Sound Mixing" categories and our two "Outstanding Product" categories, along with our Student Recognition Award recipient. It is always enjoyable to read about our honored colleagues. In addition to the awards, the inaugural Edward J. Greene Award for the Advancement of Sound recipient Tomlinson Holman CAS provides some rather impressive information on the consistency of which mixers perceive loudness. Also on the topic of loudness, Jon Greasley presents some food for thought relating to how we are mandated to measure loudness—and how there may be more accurate ways to do so based on program content. Also, David Bondelevitch CAS MPSE checks in from CES, CILECT, NAB, and NAMM. As always, you'll find submissions from your fellow members in the "Been There Done That" section and be able to check out some pictures in their "The Lighter Side" submissions. The CAS Quarterly is produced as a service to our members on a voluntary basis. If you are a member and would like to contribute an article—whether on the production or post-production side—please let us know. Additionally, we greatly appreciate, and want, your feedback and suggestions—so send them in! Email us at Finally, don't forget that our sponsors are professionals like you who understand the business and needs of our industry. We encourage your commitment to them. FROM THE EDITORS... OFFICERS President: Mark Ulano CAS Vice President: Phillip Palmer CAS Secretary: David J. Bondelevitch CAS MPSE Treasurer: Peter R. Damski CAS BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICE MANAGER Carol Thomas EDITORS Matt Foglia CAS Karol Urban CAS MPSE PUBLISHER IngleDodd Media 11661 San Vicente Blvd., Ste. 709 Los Angeles, CA 90049 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS: Cinema Audio Society 827 Hollywood Way #632 Burbank, CA 91505 Phone: 818.752.8624 Fax: 818.752.8624 Email Website ADVERTISING: IngleDodd Media 310.207.4410 Bob Bronow CAS Willie Burton CAS Peter Devlin CAS Tom Fleischman CAS Marti Humphrey CAS Doc Kane CAS Sherry Klein CAS Chris Newman CAS Lee Orloff CAS Lisa Piñero CAS Glen Trew CAS Karol Urban CAS MPSE Steve Venezia CAS Mathew Waters CAS Jeffrey Wexler CAS ©2018 by the Cinema Audio Society. All rights reserved. CAS ® , Cinema Audio Society ® , and Dedicated to the advancement of Sound ® are all trademarks of the Cinema Audio Society and may not be used without permission. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Treasurer Peter Damski, Doc Kane, Marti Humphrey, Former President Gary Bourgeois, Steve Venezia, Former President Richard Lightstone, Former President David E. Fluhr, Vice President Phillip W. Palmer, Jeff Haboush, Willie D. Burton, Tomlinson Holman, Bob Bronow, Jeff Wexler, Secretary David Bondelevitch, Lisa Piñero, Former President Edward L. Moskowitz, President Mark Ulano, Former President Melissa Hoffman, Sherry Klein, and Karol Urban. Photo by Alex J. Berliner/ABImages

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