
Spring 2018

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PATRONS | Spring 2018 6 MAY 16 Miracle of Living BALANCE/DIZZINESS/VERTIGO Learn about the origin of and latest treatment options for various disorders related to balance. WHEN: 7 p.m. WHERE: Torrance Memorial Medical Center Hoffman Health Conference Center INFO: 310-517-4711 CALENDAR JUNE 4 TORRANCE MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Golfers play 18 holes to raise money for Torrance Memorial's Hunt Tower Renovation. WHERE: Rolling Hill Country Club INFO: 310-517-4703 JULY 18 Miracle of Living NEUROLOGIC DISEASE/STROKE New treatments for stroke, such as surgical thrombectomy, are having a major impact on if and how quickly you will fully recover from a disabling stroke. Learn more about Torrance Memorial's partnership with Cedars-Sinai to improve stroke care in the South Bay. WHEN: 7 p.m. WHERE: Torrance Memorial Medical Center Hoffman Health Conference Center FREE, RSVP and INFO: 310-517-4711 MAY 10 Graziadio Wellness Lecture Series CLOSING THE GATES TO BRAIN DETERIORATION WITH DR. TOM O'BRYAN When looking at the triggers of brain dysfunction, inflammation may be a key link. Learn about the role the Blood Brain Barrier (B4) may play in brain fog, depression, anxiety, learning difficulties, attention deficit, autism, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and seizures. WHEN: 7 to 9 p.m. (book signing 6:30 p.m.) WHERE: Hoffman Health Conference Center FREE, RSVP and INFO: 310-517-4711

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