
Spring 2018

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PATRONS | Spring 2018 39 Torrance Memorial Medical Center's Volunteer Auxiliary presented a check for $290,000 to the Torrance Memorial Foundation, at its 2018 Auxiliary Board Installation Lunch. The donation will fund the transformation of the Hunt Patient Tower, dedicated to mother/baby postpartum, neonatal and pediatric care. The more than 900-member Auxiliary collected the money through various fundraisers and proceeds from the Torrance Memorial Auxiliary Gift Shop. The Auxiliary also organized a first- ever fundraising dinner dance with a Route 66 theme, in celebration of the Auxiliary's 66th anniversary. Volunteer Auxiliary Raises $290,000 THE 2018 AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE BOARD: FRONT ROW: PAT WEDLOCK, LEGISLATIVE ISSUES CHAIRPERSON, JEAN O'DELL, PARLIAMENTARIAN, MERCY WILSON, PROGRAM CHAIRPERSON, KATHRYN JOINER, SPECIAL EVENTS CHAIRPERSON, LYNN ALLEN, PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIRPERSON, MIMI BRODY, GIFT SHOP CHAIRPERSON; BACK ROW: HELEN METZLER, HISTORIAN, KEITH LENT, TREASURER, LEANN AYERS, FIRST VICE PRESIDENT, HOSPITAL SERVICES, TRACY ISENBERG, PRESIDENT, BETTY BROUGHTON, SECRETARY, STUART WILSON, PRESIDENT ELECT. NOT PICTURED: BEA MANTICO, SECOND VICE PRESIDENT THE TORRANCE MEMORIAL FOUNDATION ACCEPTS A $290,000 CHECK FROM THE TORRANCE MEMORIAL AUXILIARY. FROM LEFT: SALLY EBERHARD, LAURA SCHENASI, GAIL LONG, TINA TRUDNOWSKY, MARK LURIE, MD, DONNA COHEN. IN YOUR COMMUNITY

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