
Spring 2018

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PATRONS | Spring 2018 26 T orrance Memorial Medical Center's Young Physicians and Professionals Alliance (YPPA) began as the brainchild of the late Richard Hoffman, MD, a dedicated and pioneering radiologist at Torrance Memorial. It was at his suggestion, made to the hospital Foundation board, that the group was formed to engage younger members of the South Bay community with Torrance Memorial—by bringing young physicians and professionals together for social events and philanthropic activities. Since its inception, Dr. Richard Hoffman's daughter, Heidi Hoffman, MD,—who followed in her father's footsteps as a radiologist at Torrance Memorial—has also made the YPPA a personal priority, serving as a member of YPPA's volunteer committee since it was founded. "YPPA has taken off, and while it started as a social group, we have added a philanthropic piece as well. e combination is both enjoyable and rewarding," Dr. Hoffman says. A New Generation of Support Founded in 2012 with just 25 members, YPPA now boasts a membership of more than 100 and a full calendar of social and philanthropic events throughout the year. e group is led by a volunteer committee of enthusiastic medical and nonmedical professionals, all of whom are interested in Torrance Memorial and in having a positive impact on the community. Two professionals—one medical and one non- medical—share the chairmanship, and there is a suggested annual tax-deductible gift of $500 per YPPA PLAY-BY-PLAY WRITTEN BY MICHELLE ABT PHOTOGRAPHED BY PETER COOPER Dr. Heidi Hoffman helps bring her father's vision to life through young physicians' group that pairs fun with a focus. Putting the Fun in Philanthropy

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