
Spring 2018

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PATRONS | Spring 2018 25 PATRONS | Spring 2018 25 ATRON PROFILES their commitment to each other. "It either breaks you or it bonds you. It bonded us," Bo says. "I always say if you're willing to give 60% to get 40% back, you've got a shot, but if you expect it to be 50/50 you're toast." Four years later, with the help of a fertility specialist, Dawn successfully gave birth to daughter Kayla, 14, followed by twins Max and Grace, 11, and Ben, 10, growing their family to five children (Dawn had daughter Tahani, 23, from a previous marriage). Health Is Wealth e triumph over health challenges, along with "many, many trips to the ER" with their children, led the Kaplans to value having a quality local hospital a short drive from their woodsy Palos Verdes Estates home. "We should have a wing named after us based on the number of times we've been there— especially in the pediatric ward," Bo says. "e nurses were always so welcoming." "Our little girl was 2 1/2 when she had an afebrile seizure that led to a code blue [cardiac arrest resuscitation] in the ER. We have had lots of gut-wrenching, scary moments," says Dawn. Bo adds, "It's that moment when you pray, 'I never need anything else to go my way my entire life, if you just give me this one.' ey [Torrance Memorial's emergency department staff ] were just amazing." Daughter Tahani was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when the couple was buying their current home. Coincidently the seller was Eric Nakkim, MD, medical director of Torrance Memorial's emergency department (ED), with whom they had interacted during numerous trips to the ED, and they describe as "supportive, kind and helpful." e Kaplans have remained friends with Dr. Nakkim and his family, who introduced the couple to Torrance Memorial's Young Physicians and Professionals Alliance ( YPPA), a philanthropic group designed to acquaint young community movers and shakers to Torrance Memorial physicians, through social events such as casino nights, hikes and beer tastings. e Kaplans have since hosted two separate gatherings for the group in their home. "We're really proud of this hospital even though we have nothing to do with its success," says Bo. "It's rare to have a local hospital is that good. We feel really lucky it is there and we're proud to support it. e deeper we get into [supporting] it the better we feel." "It's rare to have a local hospital that is that good. We feel really lucky it's there and we're proud to support it."

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