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Patterso THE MESSAGE Whether THE TASTING PANEL goes to the brand execs or the brands call us, there is an abundance of news to report, from the latest releases to behind-the-scenes experiences with some of the world���s most in���uential importers, winemakers, distillers . . . well, you name it. Brief Encounters We may not have enough pages in each issue to devote as much attention as we would like to each person whose path we cross, but please note that if it���s in the publication, we deem it noteworthy ���Meridith May, Publisher & Executive Editor LAX Attitude F or Angelenos, it���s not news that L.A.���s Campanile is moving . . . but what may be news is that in April 2013, the famous eatery will be coming to American Airlines Terminal Four at Los Angeles International Airport. ���We���ve taken over the old Chili���s restaurant spot,��� says GM and Wine Director Johann Drolshagen. ���Campanile will be the only white tablecloth restaurant there.��� We said our goodbyes to the La Brea venue and stopped by to take a snapshot of Johann. ���We���re looking at other locations around the city,��� he noted. For now, we���re on stand-by! ���Meridith May Keep Climbing! I PHOTO: TOM ZASADZINSKI n late October, Andrew Pfe���er of Voli Vodka and his climbing partner and friend from Colorado spent a week shuttling packs to the High Sierra to attempt the Palisade Traverse and climb on the Palisade Glacier, the largest glacier in the Sierra Nevada. They started at the Big Pine Lakes Trailhead at 7,500 feet (the glacier sits at the base of ive 14,000-plus-foot mountains covered in snow and ice). Pictured is Pfeffer above the glacier and the totally frozen Palisade Glacier Lake at 12,800 feet. Campanile GM and Wine Director Johann Drolshagen. 16 / the tasting panel / december 2012