Computer Graphics World

APRIL 2010

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What is Autodesk Labs? It is a group within Autodesk that is home to innovative, new technologies and collaborative development. Started approximately three years ago, Labs explores technology that may be commercially relevant to custom- ers in design—from architecture and manufacturing to fi lm and games. T e goal of Labs is to take invented technologies and integrate them into early, experimen- tal prototypes that the Autodesk Labs community can try out, with the goal of determining whether the technology could be made into a product or a function within an existing product. Basically, they strive to engage the design community to determine whether a certain technology has value. Recently, Brian Mathews, vice president of Autodesk Labs, sat down with CGW chief editor Karen Moltenbrey to discuss what this group does and the eff ects of that work on designers around the world. 26 April 2010 Brian Mathews

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