Arizona Education Association

Spring 2018

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SPRING 2018 | ADVOCATE 29 Association Governance Beginning March 5, 2018, you can cast your ballot for Statewide, Regional, and Retired delegate candidates to the 2018 NEA Representative Assembly from any computer anywhere that has an internet connection. Voting will be open through 5 p.m. MST on April 10, 2018. To request a paper ballot in lieu of voting online or any other assistance, please contact the AEA Elections Committee Staff Liaison, Chris Mayer, at 800-352-5411 or 602-264-1774, x143. Cast Your Vote Online NEA Representative Assembly Statewide, Regional, and Retired Delegates During March and April, local associations will conduct their governance elections for the 2018 Delegate Assembly delegates; local delegates to the NEA-RA; and, local association officer positions. Please take time to vote! If you have not received notice of your elections and/or opportunity to vote by March 30, 2018, please contact the AEA Elections Committee at 602-264-1774 or 800-352-5411, x143. VOTE March 5 – April 10, 2018 Let your voice be heard! Vote at your local level. Here's how 1. Go to the AEA website at 2. Click on "NEA-RA Vote Online", located on the right side of the page 3. Login to the safe and secure voting area • Your Username = your first initial + full last name (e.g.: Sarah Mason-Hewitt, Username =SMason-Hewitt) • Your Password = the last 4 digits of your social security number 4. Once logged in, you are eligible to vote on any ballot listed for you 5. Click on the ballot and follow the voting instructions 6. Make sure that you click the SUBMIT button to cast your vote

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